Oh my ! I am who I wanted to be !
Dear Divya,
More than proud, I’m deeply grateful for the fighter that you are. For the goodness of your heart and the strength of your spirit.
You continue to amaze me with your ability to do the hardest things possible in life.
1. As a child and teenager, studying despite all odds.
2. As a young adult in distress, being focussed despite all odds.
3. As an adult taking on responsibility, persevering despite all odds.
4. Being brave and independent and kind.
5. Fighting for sanity, doing it with love.
6. Deciding to get a divorce and going through with it.
7. Being the best when you’re feeling your worst.
8. Always, the benevolent one, even in the depths of despair.
9. Choosing to be true over comfortable,
10. Choosing to quit your job at the peak of your career and holding your truth.
11. Every choice you make, it’s always the hardest and the truest.
You do it with so much kindness, wisdom, sensibility, compassion, and empathy. And you pull it off with unparalleled grace and elegance. You are who I once wanted to be. And now I’m in awe of who you are. And continuously so. Thank you. Keep being true. Don’t let anyone tell you what you aren’t, especially when they can’t be a fraction of who you are.